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No need to go to the ends of the earth,
Let's start by going to the heart of ourselves

An exploration mission through our own cells, Cell Worlds brings together an immersive exhibition, an introspective documentary, a live musical performance and a cinema experience.

The initial idea is to bring images of biological research as far away from the laboratories as possible and closer to the general public.

By choosing to amaze in order to raise awareness , by using emotions, music, introspective narration or even the codes of animal documentaries, Cell Worlds allows us to redefine the Living .

Cells, bacteria, viruses, cancers, embryos... We can take a different look at these unknowns, lodged in each and every one of us.

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“Why I am/we are all cell biologists”
Jacky Goetz, Goetz lab , INSERM

Cell Worlds is also aimed at scientists. Beyond its function of opening up science, the project helps to demystify the profession of researcher and to promote research work .

The project is a scientific, educational and artistic world first, showcasing microscopic living things in proportions never before attempted.

It is also one of the largest showcases of scientific research, bringing together more than 50 research teams from institutes from from 10 different countries (France, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Japan, Australia, Austria)



26min, inspired by animal documentaries

With the support of the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image - Knowledge & Cultures


15min, through the preconceived ideas surrounding the disease

With images from researchers at the University of Poitiers



A 12-minute experience, inspired by immersive arts

Cell Immersion is a world first in science that showcases microscopic life

on a scale never before seen. At Bassins de Lumières (Bordeaux) in 2022

85% of uninitiated public | 500,000 visitors | visitor rating: 8.7/10

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A 3-minute experiment created for the Silbersalz Festival 2023

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Music as a means of scientific mediation in its own right.
The music of the cellular worlds, inspired by the living.

Soundtrack available for streaming, with thematic compositions

such as "contractions, connections, divisions, etc.



A showcase of life sciences in 3 highlights:
The documentary told live by its 4 narrators
A moment of exchange between the public and the scientists who participated in Cell Worlds
An immersive “cellular” musical live performance on the projection of microscopy images

Tour: Utopiales (Nantes), EPFL (Lausanne), Double•Science (Paris), Inscience (Strasbourg), Science Festival 2023 (Poitiers), Silbersalz (Halle, Germany), Curiositas (Paris-Saclay)



Cell Worlds and Sensory Odyssey have teamed up to design the immersive scenography of the

Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2023,

the world summit of technologies resulting from scientific research.



Œuvre musicale


Découvrez les cadreuses et cadreurs du monde microscopique de la saison 1

(par ordre alphabétique)


  • Alex McDougall & Rémi Dumollard (UMR7009, Institut de biologie de Villefranche-sur-mer, CNRS, France)

  • Alexandre Dizeux & Mickael Tanter (Physics for Medicine Paris, France)

  • Amy Engevik (Amy Engevik Lab, Medical University of South Carolina, États-Unis)

  • Andrew Oates (Oates Lab, EPFL School of Life Science, Suisse)

  • Andy Moore (Lippincott-Schwartz lab, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, États-Unis)

  • Anh Hoang Lê & Laura Machesky (CRUK Beatson Institute, Écosse)

  • Anjalie Schaelppi & the Huisken Lab (Morgridge Institute of Research, Université du Wisconsin, États-Unis)

  • Arthur Michaut & Jérome Gros (Institut Pasteur, UMR3738, CNRS, France)

  • Dylan Burnette (Burnette Lab, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, États-Unis)

  • Edouard Hannezo (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)

  • Equipe Jean-Léon Maître : Mécanique du développement mammifère, UMR3215/U934 Unité ‘Génétique et biologie du développement’

  • Gillian Griffiths (Griffiths Lab, University of Cambridge)

  • Gokul Upadhyayula (Berkeley Research, University of California, États-Unis)

  • Gopi Shah (Mesoscopic Imaging Facility, EMBL Barcelona, Espagne)

  • Hailey Cambra & Naren Tallapragada (Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School, États-Unis)

  • Katharina Hennig ; Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM); MyoChip - (This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement nº 801423)

  • Kristen Engevik & Joseph Michael (Hyser Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Etats-Unis)

  • Lilian Schimmel & Ivar Noordstra (Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australie)

  • Loïc Royer (Royer Lab, États-Unis)

  • Manuel Théry (Cytomorpholab, Institut de Biosciences et de Biotechnologie de Grenoble CEA, France),

  • Martyna Lukoseviciute & Erdinc Sezgin (Karolinska Institute, Suède)

  • Nathalie Piette, Vincent Studer & Pierre-Olivier Strale (Alvéole Lab, Organ_izing the cells Lab, CNRS, France)

  • Noémie Paillon (Equipe Claire Hivroz : Analyse intégrative de l’activation des lymphocytes T, INSERM U932, Unité ‘Immunité et cancer’)

  • Tsuyoshi Hirashima (Department of Pathology and Biology of Diseases, Kyoto University, Japon)

  • Virginie Hamel & Paul Guichard (Centriol Lab, Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Genève, Suisse)

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